
My name is Jamie and I guess it is time to share about myself and let you get to know me, the blogger.  I worked on the pages of the rest of the family first, so I guess you could say I saved the best for last.  I grew up learning to love the outdoors, my mom always said I probably would have done very well in the pioneer times.  But God didn’t want me in that era, He had other plans, bigger plans for me in this era.

I am a beach girl, born and raised in California, so a move to the Rocky Mountains was a bit of a culture shock.  It’s a good thing I was living alone when I first moved here, because I was as giddy as a school girl the first time I saw it snowing.  Now don’t get me wrong, I am no stranger to snow, in California the beach was only 20 minutes away and the mountains were 2 hours away, so I had my share of skiing and playing in the snow, I was however a stranger to snow falling in my own back yard!

My childhood was pretty standard, my family, however was not.  We are what is referred to as a blended family.  Now back then (the 1970’s) being a “blended” family had a whole different meaning than it does today.  To be a blended family, meant we weren’t all perfectly, or biologically, related.  I started out with mom and dad, they divorced, and I went with mom who then met the man I still call today, my dad.  He had two daughters with him, so when he and my mom married back in 1969, we were an instant family of five.  We three girls were within 5 years of each other, so we literally grew up together.  A year after our parents were married, they had a son, so I grew up with an adoptive dad, two step-sisters and a half brother.

Growing up had its challenges, as we all know, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Mom and dad made sure we grew up in church and that we knew Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.  Thank you mom and dad!  My siblings and I shared many things, learned from each other, comforted one anther, yelled at one another as siblings do, but today, I have a unique, individual relationship with each one.  The oldest sister and I shared clothes, the sister closer to my age and I were on the flag team together in high school and we went to 2 proms together, and my brother and I played.  I will always remember the day I turned 13, he cried and tattled on me, because I wouldn’t play G.I. Joe with him.  Mom had to explain to him that his big sister was growing up and wasn’t interested in those kinds of things anymore.

I wasn’t the scholastic type, and honestly did enough in school to get through.  I did graduate high school, but I took a break from education, which I now know, was a mistake because I never really made it back to school.  Sure I tried to go back to college a number of times, but as an adult, it is hard to go back to school.  My advice to any young people reading this, go to college!  Get that degree.  🙂


Later in life, when I finally met my biological father, it came to my attention that I had two half sisters (one of which has my name) and two more half brothers from his side.  So as an individual, I have a fairly big family, and I love them all and would not trade my life for any thing different.




So now in my older years, 52, I love my family, my dog, hiking, revisiting the beach when back in California, sewing and cooking, or more accurately, I love taking an already created recipe, duplicating it and then making some changes to make it my own.  So when the blogging bug bit and the idea started to fester, I knew what my niche would be; Jesus, family and food.  Thank you for taking the time to read about me, and I hope my new blogging adventure inspires you, encourages you and gives you hope.

The four photos of me that I posted for you are:

  1.   Casper, WY August 2017, the daughter, the hubby, the dog and I  witnessed the total eclipse of the sun.  A truly spectacular event only the God of the universe could put together.
  2.    my siblings.
  3.   several years back, a group of us went hiking up to Devil’s Causeway.  If memory serves, we were at an elevation of roughly 11,800 ft.
  4.   Tonka and me when we were both fffffff………!  (I’ll let you do the math)

Subscribe and stick around and I will share more photos as events allow.

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