It’s my Hubby :-)

The hubby was okay with me including him in my blog adventure, he did however prefer to remain as anonymous as possible, and therefore will be referred to as “The Hubby” throughout the bog.  For those of you reading this that do not know me or my family too well (yet) the hubby is just going to have to look good on paper, as they say, for you, for now.  For those of you who do know us, you don’t need any photos, you know what he looks like and you can vouch for me that he looks just as good in person as he does here on paper.   🙂 

The hubby and I met 19 years ago in what you might call an unconventional way, in that we met on the internet.  Back then, internet dating sites were just starting to make their way onto the scene and the one we both used I actually think is no longer operational, which I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.  But anyway, he had a very catchy tag line which read, ” Glass slipper found.  Looking for foot to fit”.  I of course had to reply, “I have been looking for that shoe everywhere!  May I please get it back?”  He made me wait a week to meet him, but when we finally did meet, as I stepped off the light rail train, that took me to downtown, I turned around when he called my name, and we literally both thought to ourselves, “wow….all right!” and the rest, as they say is history.  We do still have a good laugh about the night we met in that he really knows how to charm the ladies.  Our meeting date consisted of running through the rain, hardly being able to hear one another due to the voice volume of the location we chose to grab a bite to eat, which we never did eat because we never heard our name called when our table was ready, so all we had that night was beer and a bowl of peanuts.  (yea if that doesn’t hook the girls, I don’t know what does) ‘course I shouldn’t pick, it hooked me!  🙂

He knows the Lord, which at the time we met, I am sorry to admit, wasn’t an extremely important aspect for me, but I am grateful today that he does. The Lord knew we both needed someone in our lives that knew Him because He knew where we would be today.  Thank you Lord for this wonderful man.

When Adam and Eve sinned and the Lord handed down the curse, or punishment if you will, Genesis 3:17-19 tells us how the man was cursed;

“Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.  Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field; By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, Till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; For you are dust, and to dust you shall return”.

Although the hubby is not a worker of the soil, he is a diligent, hard working man and he does still take these words of the Lord seriously.  Providing for his family has always been an incredibly important duty to him, and he struggles if he doesn’t feel he is doing the best he can do.  All I can do is remind him that with the Lord’s help, he is providing in that food has always been on he table, a roof has always been over our heads, clothes have always been on our backs, gas has always been in our cars and I am not going anywhere!

I love you Hubby, you are a great man.

He is currently testing out a “no carbs” eating plan.  I have to say I am impressed by his determination, stick-to-it-tiveness because he has lost 27 pounds since December 2018.  It has helped me in my other passion, recipe change ups, so a lot of those posts will be due to changing up a favorite to be more carb friendly for him.  So make sure to check out the Godly Gifts ~ Recipe change ups page for low carb, heart healthy recipes.


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