If it isn’t sweet, then it isn’t breakfast! Right?

Sweet vs Meat!

Which side are you on?

A typical "kid" breakfast

I know for me, growing up, breakfast was usually a bowl of cereal.  Sweet cereal was always a treat!  But today, breakfast habits have changed and a typical kid breakfast is more sugar than not.  Not that there is anything wrong with that!  I am guilty of feeding my little one more sugar than other items when she was younger.  In our busy schedules, popping a waffle in the toaster or just pouring a bowl of cereal made the morning more simple.

(but don’t those look yummy?)

Breakfast growing older

As we grow up, our tastes change and we seem to reach for eggs and bacon or sausage (sometimes both) and we may add some hash-browns to the plate.  When we have more time, (yea, okay, when does that ever happen?) we may throw in a few childhood favorites.  No hardy breakfast is complete without some pancakes to top it all off.  Now granted, not many of us would take the time to whip up a lavish spread on a Monday morning, but in our maturing years, more healthier choices do make the cut over a bowl of sugar cereal.

Breakfast shows its age

My, how tastes have changed.  We no longer can handle the plate loaded with sugar.  Or a plate with healthier items, but more grease than sugar.  We have transitioned into fiber loaded cereals, fruit, sometimes wheat toast and our beloved milk or orange juice has turned dark.  I mean of course our beverage of choice is now coffee!  Some like it black. Me, I’m a cream and sugar kind of gal and will not give that up!  And our breakfast entertainment has grown up as well.  No more cartoons.  We stay in tune with current events and emails.

So why did I take you down breakfast memory lane?

One, ‘cuz it was fun.  Two, ‘cuz reminiscing about anything childhood-ish-y always brings a smile to the face.  If a funny memory popped in your head while reading this, that’s even better.  Laughter is the cure all of all cures.

But confession time.  When I was on my own and even well after I was married, I just never let go of those childhood, overly sweet breakfast treats.  I loved making pancakes and french toast.  Waffles not so much because cleaning the waffle iron was just too much to deal with.  But I even ventured off into crepes.  The family loved it and always ate what I made, but if I’m going to honest, I never really felt that great.  My body was changing and needed something more.  I just wasn’t ready to face that yet.

Then one day it happened.  Chicken salad made it onto my plate for breakfast.  I even remember posting it on Facebook.  The post read, “I just had chicken salad for breakfast!  Who does that?”  My mom, of course responded and said, “I do!”  She went on to tell me I would feel a lot better throughout the morning.  She was right.  And I didn’t get hungry as quickly as I had when eating sugary stuff.

There just might be something to this healthy eating.

Well, that healthy enthusiasm didn’t last that long, although I did not completely resort back to the sugar favorites, they did make their way back onto my plate here and there.

It wasn’t until 45-50 pounds later, and those pounds stuck around, that breakfast started taking a more severe turn to the grown up side.  It all started with the hubby and his diet plan announcement.

I wasn’t as gung ho at first, it took me a couple months to jump on that band wagon.  But when I did, the change in breakfast made such a change in me.  I would generally have a bowl of Raisin Bran or Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast.  But the day I stepped way out of my comfort zone, I took a picture and texted it to my husband.

HONEY! Look what I had for breakfast

Yes, there is a fried egg on top of that burger!  

My husband would put a fried egg on top of leftover pizza and call that breakfast.  (I’m cringing right now at just the mention of that)  He swore by it. 

So, for dinner one night he talked me into trying a fried egg on my burger.  I of course at this time still ate a burger with a bun.  But I have to tell you, a fried egg on a burger is REALLY REALLY GOOD!  I was shocked.  Eggs aren’t just for breakfast any more!

So I hope you can imagine my excitement when I put together this bun-less bad boy for breakfast that morning.  I was so proud of myself, and like I said, I had to share with the hubby.  He laughed at my text, but sent back the clapping hands emoji.

So this post is located in my Recipe Change Ups category because breakfast for darn sure, has been changed up.

There is no magical recipe needing to be printed for this.  The picture tells it all.






Fried egg

I dare you to give it a try, if you have’t already had something similar to this, and post your thoughts in the comments below.  I would love to know if you are an egg on my burger person too.  Or let me know what you put a fried egg on.

Thanks for strolling down breakfast lane with me.

This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. Jonsie Ivey

    I never would have thought to try a fried egg on a hamburger! I’m not too fond of hamburger itself, but really like eggs, so the combination might be a good mix for me. I never thought of chicken for breakfast either. You have opened my eyes to some good no-carb breakfast solutions. Thanks!

  2. T.M. Brown

    Love fried eggs and on a burger ~ well, even better!! We have to be careful with egg consumption in our home due to a food allergy, but when we do get to eat them – oh, my goodness. Yum! Thanks for the trip down breakfast memory lane, too. That WAS fun! LOL.

  3. Michele

    I love a fried egg on a burger and sometimes add bacon and avocado as well! A fried egg on a steak is also delicious!

  4. Pauline Reynolds

    My husband is the same way. As long as there’s an egg on it, it’s breakfast. 🙂 This looks yum. I have lots of eggs right now from my chickens.

  5. Annette Durbin

    I had to laugh when I saw the chicken salad on your breakfast plate! Sooo many times we THINK breakfast should be traditional foods, but how many times have I made eggs for dinner -breakfast for dinner??? A LOT!!

  6. Cindy

    Oh gosh…memories! I grew up eating the sugary cereal.

    My breakfast is radically different now and extremely healthy:

    Lemon/lime water…celery juice…fruit smoothie.

    That’s it! And that’s all I need at the beginning of the day for optimal health.

  7. Angela Greven | Mean Green Chef

    We toggle back and forth between sweet and savory breakfasts! I make blood orange crepes and those are too good to forgo lol Love your burger egg idea, I’m sure it would keep you going well into the afternoon. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Eileen Thorsen

    I love a savory breakfast! We never did sweets for breakfast so it still isn’t really me thing. Give me all the eggs, cheese and meat! And avocado of course ha!

  9. Tricia Snow

    I am all about the savory! I love a fried egg on a BLT with avocado!

  10. Michele

    Fried eggs are terrific on a lot of stuff, and we often eat leftovers for brekky or breakfast for dinner! And yes, I have also been known to just eat a bowl of cereal, although like you, it doesn’t feel the same to my body!

    1. Jamie T

      So far I have only ventured a fried egg on a burger. One item at a time. Lol.

  11. Kelley

    I have never had a fried egg on a burger or even tried this for breakfast. But I have heard a saying that we should eat like a king at breakfast, a queen at lunch, and a joker at dinner. I guess this means we can metabolize the carbs from breakfast better than at dinner. I also loved the beginning of your post where you walk down memory lane. I am right there with you with the sugar filled memories!

    1. Jamie T

      LOL. Life was so simple when we were kids. Mom did all the worrying and meal planning, we just ate! I love that king, queen, joker saying. That makes so much sense. You wouldn’t want to have too much for dinner, we rest the rest of the evening so I probably takes longer to digest and burn the fat and calories. I’m gonna have to remember that. Thanks 🙂

  12. Shirley

    I have not tried an egg on a burger. It always seemed gross to me. But I am older also, which my tastes too are changing. My husband has me now loving steak and eggs for dinner. So why not burger and eggs? I might just have to give it a try. Great post!

    1. Jamie T

      I’ll have to try steak and eggs. I have only ventured into the burger and eggs. The Red Robin restaurant actually has an egg on a burger option on their menu, that’s where I actually tried it for the first time. But yes you should try a fried egg on a burger! I highly recommend it.

  13. Jennifer Morrison

    Such an interesting post! I love breakfast, it is my favorite meal. I am a protein eater, and so I often will eat Turkey, eggs, breakfast meat, hamburgers, etc for breakfast. My sister on the other hand prefers having sweet carby breakfast. But my overall favorite breakfast is cold pizza. Love it!!

    1. Jamie T

      Yuck! (sorry) you and my hubby would get along great, he too is a cold pizza for breakfast eater. Plus he would add an egg to that as well. For me…again…yuck. lol.

  14. Kymberly Irwin

    RX Bar and a banana every morning for me.I’m a huge fan of salt & sugar together. I eat way too much trail mix. And now … after reading this post, I’m in the mood for waffles and chocolate sauce … and ice cream!

    1. Jamie T

      LOL. Not sure if I should apologize for putting sweets on the mind or cheer you on to go for it so I can eat vicariously through you? 🙂 I love trail mix too, though. That’s a great travel snack.

  15. Karla

    We are kind of a mixed up family. I cook extras for dinner… leftovers, if you will, and the kids all (literally, all 7 of them) pull the leftovers out of the fridge for breakfast the next morning. I even fix 7 portions in microwave safe containers the night before. The exception is that about 2-3 times a week, we have breakfast for dinner…. eggs, pancakes, bacon or sausage, potatoes. There are rarely leftovers, so the next morning is the cereal day with fruit and yogurt. It works somehow.

    1. Jamie T

      I made breakfast for dinner “once”. My hubby wasn’t too keen on that, although the daughter and I loved it. So we traded and have dinner for breakfast. You do what you gotta do to make it work.

  16. Laura Lee

    I had gastric sleeve surgery in September so I have lots of protein drinks and cottage cheese for breakfast. I used to skip breakfast altogether, so it was quite an adjustment for me to actually make time to eat in the morning, but now it’s become part of my routine – I don’t even think about it. I just do it, as the saying goes!

    1. Jamie T

      🙂 Good for you!

  17. Breakfast is a meal that I could enjoy any time of the day. i would probably not put fried eggs on a burger, simply because i am not crazy about fried eggs. Have you tried putting scrambled eggs on a burger?

    1. Jamie T

      Haven’t tried scrambled eggs, no. It has always been the “fried” egg so that you get the yoke running down. ? I have had a burger with mac-n-cheese on it. That was YUMMY! But, since we are on a low carb kick now, mac-n-cheese is considered a red flagged item. So, no more mac-n-cheese. 🙁

  18. Sheila

    Breakfast Hass to have meat in it I am a meat eater for sure! My husband is the opposite, he can eat fruity pebbles. It blows my mind, a sugary cereal would never satisfy me for a long! I’m definitely with you on this one.

    1. Jamie T

      That’s funny. My hubby could never understand how I could eat sugary cereals for breakfast before. He was the meaty, healthy breakfast eater from the start. But now I have hopped on his healthy breakfast band wagon.

  19. Lina

    I love dinner for breakfast! Hmm…. Egg on pizza….:-)

  20. Heather

    I have a huge sweet tooth, but as I have aged, I know what fills me up and what leaves me feeling like crap. I am all about protein for breakfast, though every once and while I need a good french toast. 🙂

  21. Maureen Cardenas

    Totally cute read! Gotta admit, sometimes a bowl of cereal is my dinner! Love doing breakfast for dinner!

  22. Leigh Ann

    Great post and I’m right there with you – a burger and fried egg sound amazing for breakfast! I’ve been living a low carb lifestyle for a couple of years and this would fit right in. Yum!

  23. Suzan

    Such a cute post! I love eating dinner leftovers for breakfast. In fact, I much prefer it!

  24. Kyndall Bennett

    I will try a fried egg on a burger next! I think my last exploration with an “exotic” burger was with teriyaki sauce and pineapple. It now has my approval!

    1. Jamie T

      Oh, I love a Hawaiian style burger! My family cringes at me because I love pineapple on my pizza. But I’m glad you are going to step out of the box and go for an egg next.

  25. Brittany

    I definitely carry the sweet tooth in the family! A bowl of cereal (and not the kind that good for you) is one of my favorite snacks! My husband would totally be on the meat/savory side of this debate!

    1. Jamie T

      Lol. That’s awesome. 🙂

  26. Anna

    I love the title of the post! It is so true, breakfasts are thought to be sweet. But they don’t have to. 🙂

    1. Jamie T

      I’m glad the title stood out for you. Thanks.

  27. Ramae Hamrin

    That looks like a delicious breakfast to me! I ate so much sugar as a kid, and now I eat hardly any. My body just doesn’t tolerate it the same way, even though I still crave it at times. Avocados and eggs are a match made in heaven!

    1. Jamie T

      Us too. Avocados are the best. I’ll still have a bite of a pancake now and then, but nothing like I used to. My body says, “WHAAAT?”

  28. Malia

    I am still stuck with kid tastebuds but sure wish I could change over! I love this idea though, and bet my son would be all for it 🙂 Your pictures are beautiful enough to sell it!

    1. Jamie T

      On occasion I will indulge and over do it with a sweet breakfast. I’m glad the pictures help tell the story. You’ll have to let me know if your son goes for a burger for breakfast.

  29. Kendra

    Dinner for breakfast is my ‘go to’. Love it!

    1. Jamie T


  30. angela

    Fried eggs on leftover burgers or meatloaf are one of my fav breakfast! How old am I? haha

    1. Jamie T

      You can’t be any older than me. HaHa. But I have just recently hopped on that band wagon, so I have a lot of dinner for breakfast exploring to do.

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