Is it a Safety Pin, or are we Pinned to Safety?

They are not just for "pinning" anymore

A safety pin can keep you close to the Lord!

We have used the safety pin all our lives.  Our mothers, our grandmothers, and probably even our great-grandmothers have used a safety pin.  The safety pin was invented by accident back in 1849 for the purpose of paying off a debt.  Little did this inventor know, that the simplicity of this handy, simple bent piece of wire would last for generations.

Today, we use the safety pin in a variety of ways.  But did you know the safety pin has biblical applications?  I’ll bet Mr. Hunt wasn’t thinking that deeply about it when he was twisting that thin piece of wire so long ago.  But oh yes it does!  Follow me and I’ll show you how the safety pin can keep you close to the Lord.

Fastened together

Romans 8:38-39 ~ For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus.

safety pin pinned to hold two folded pieces of fabric together

One use of a safety pin, has been to fasten fabric together so the two pieces don’t separate.  You may have seen this technique used when trying to keep a table cloth in place, like at a wedding or high end event.  Sometimes, the table cloth is too big and you have extra hanging on the floor.  To fix this, you would fold the extra fabric behind and in front of itself and fasten the folded fabric together.   This gives the table a cleaner look, and saves the guests from tripping on the extra long table cloth.  

With that idea in mind, those who are in Christ Jesus, are securely fastened to Him.  There is no created thing that will ever be able to separate you from Him.  He has secured you to Himself.  He won’t let you fall to the floor.

The Perfect Gathering

Isaiah 40:11 ~ Like a shepherd He will tend to His flock, In His arms He will gather the lambs and carry them to His bosom…

fabric held by safety pin showing gathered effect of fabric

My mom used to use a safety pin to gather the waistband of her jeans to see how it would look, before sewing elastic to the waistband.  This was more comfortable than wearing a belt to hold her jeans up.

When you gather fabric, and you fasten it with a safety pin, what exactly is happening?  The fabric is gathered tightly.  The little gather folds are close together and held in place.  Right?

It’s the same idea here.  Jesus “gathers” His flock.  We are His flock.  He tends to us and gathers us to Him to keep us close to Him. Securing us tightly to Him. 

All sides Hemmed

Psalms 139:5 ~ Thou hast enclosed (hemmed) me behind and before, And laid Thy hand upon me.

fabric ends pinned with safety pins as a hem

When needing to hem pants, the safety pin came in handy for marking the exact spot for the hem to be.  Granted you would not leave them in when you actually went to sew the seam, but for pinning the pant leg all around, the safety pins did the trick.

The same is true with Jesus.  When He hems you in, He surrounds you, and you are secure.  He is behind you, and before you.  He is all around.

Love Covers

James 5:20 ~ …let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins.

medium and small sized fastened safety pins,

The beauty of the safety pin is in its “safety”.  The clasp that covers the sharp, pointed part of the pin is a life saver.  Or more accurately, finger saver.

Physical pain was introduced when sin entered the world.  But the blood of Jesus covers our sin and His love comforts our pain.  Think about how a safety pin is fastened.  It circles around the clasp and then is placed down into it.  The Lord Jesus Christ circles around you and places you down inside His protective covering.

All Sealed Up

Ephesians 1:13 ~ In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation – having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise.

fabric hemmed on all four sides

I would make pillows for my dolls like this one when I was way younger.  I did not know how to actually sew yet, so safety pins became my needle and thread.  They are sturdy, strong and sealed the cotton balls securely between the fabric to make the perfect pillow for my dollies.

Forever Attached

Hebrews 13:5 ~ Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU,”

a school note safety pinned to a childs backpack

Okay, this will probably show my age, but oh well.  When I was in Kindergarten, our teachers would pin notes to us kids in order to make sure the information got into our parents’ hands.  We didn’t have email or Facebook groups or texting capabilities.  My teachers had safety pins!  And they used them wisely and often to attach notes that needed to get home.

As it is with Jesus.  Because He will never desert you, walk away or abandon, nor will He forsake you, give up on or leave entirely.  YOU ARE ATTACHED TO HIM, and HE IS ATTACHED TO YOU.  He Himself said it, therefore He Himself has promised it.  


Psalm 91:4 ~ He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

First of all, NO, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not stand for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.  Well, it actually does, but for this post, it does not.  Savior of Hopeless Individuals, and Enemy Leveling Department, might be a better fit.

Coming back to the “point” of the safety pin, in that the covering clasp shields our fingers from the sharp, pointy end of the pin.  It’s like a wall between our fingers and the sharp end.

Jesus defends and protects us.  He is a structure, like a wall, meant to keep the enemy out (a bulwark).  He shields you and  me.   

Seeing God's Goodness in a safety pin, is just the beginning.

  • He is a shield against the sharp, ready to poke, enemy
  • He has sealed you in Him
  • He has attached Himself to you and you are attached to Him
  • He gathers His flock to Himself and tends to you
  • He has hemmed you behind and before
  • He covers you with His blood
  • He keeps you, nothing will separate you from His love

Daily Living Survival Item: The Safety Pin.
The next time you use one, I'll bet you see Jesus!

Thank you for reading.  Share with your friends using any of the social media icons, or follow me using the icons in the top menu bar.  I would love to hear from you, so please leave a comment.  And if you haven’t yet, subscribe so you can receive your free Daily Living Journal sheets to keep track of when God shows Himself to you in the little things in life, like in a safety pin.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Gail Boulton

    My momma used to say it’s the simple things in life that are the best and this post shows exactly that! Love it!
    Keep sharing those simple everyday items, Jamie!

  2. Shirley

    Thank you for that writing. It had words in it that I needed to hear tonight. I loved the comparison. Thanks for sharing.

  3. T.M. Brown

    Well, that was a creative way to give a safety pin new purpose!

  4. Cindy

    I love how the simplest of things can inspire and create connections. Well done.

  5. lisa

    Great Analogy! Such a great invention too!

  6. Margaret

    A very interesting interpretation. Definitely made me think. And you are right, the next time I see a safety pin, I will probably think of your words.

    1. Jamie T

      I’m glad you liked it and it made you think. 🙂 Stay in touch, because I have a ton more simple every day items that do the same thing.

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